Friday, February 11, 2011

Prepare For Wedding ceremony Photography Concentrate

By Rhiannon Moore

To many wedding clients, this might seem a strange question to pose, because after all, wedding photography must be, by definition, photography taken on your wedding day. Well yes it is, of course. But such a simple perspective glosses over how much wedding photography has changed in the last fifteen years; and indeed, even today why it means one thing to one wedding couple and a completely different thing to another.

Years ago, a wedding photographer was a technician who owned a mystical black box that very few other people would have been able to operate. Wedding couples were employing this person to produce a few nicely exposed, technically correct, record shots of the big day. And the photographer might have even attended up to six weddings in one day.

Traditional, or sometimes called Classical wedding photography captures the traditional wedding day pictures including the unforgettable moments of your wedding day including the exchange of rings, signing the marriage register, walking down the aisle as husband and wife, family groups and the cutting of the cake to name a few.

Weddings are still considered formal occasions and this type of wedding photography has stood the test of time. With careful lighting and expert posing traditional wedding photography creates a perfect record of your family gathering. A good photographer will be able to work quickly and be able to put people at ease to ensure the posing doesn't look uncomfortable.

The price of wedding photography sometimes surprises prospective wedding clients. But is stands to reason that the scarcer the skill the higher the price that can be commanded by the best photographers. It should also be borne in mind that photographers need to plan the day, shoot the day itself, and then spend at least two further days on processing the images and designing the album. Ultimately you have to make a decision on the importance of high quality wedding photography and consider whether it is a price worth paying.

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