Friday, September 30, 2011

Using the Digital Photo Editor in Scrapbook Factory

By Barbara Thomas

Scrapbook Factory is that computer software which will entice you to create thousand and thousands of cool collages. Probably the most component of this computer software is that even whenever you believe a small bit stuck and don't find a very good Notion you can nonetheless produce unique content by while using projects installed or by combining all some of 75,000 elements.

The user interface is intuitive and will assist anyone regardless of previous knowledge about photo manipulation application to produce extraordinary photo montages. Right after all scrap booking is a type of photo montage. You see this each day performed by professional graphic artists on billboards and teen magazines.

You can produce any kind of scrap booking inside ones that have to look professional towards the ones that need to be funny and relaxing. The learning curve for this software program is incredibly short. You do not have to deal with technical terms including layers, masks, transparency and others applied in professional photo manipulation software.

Step One Fire up Scrapbook Factory

Step Two Pick whether to start from scratch or to use 1 in the templates that were installed as part of your software. Should you pick "design from scratch" you should navigate on the left side towards the scrapbooks category from in which it is possible to choose the desired format.

Step 3 Customize your canvas by inserting any graphic inside the desired files. There's no limit in what you may do utilizing your imagination.

Step 4 Insert the image you desire on your scrapbook page.

Step 5 Use Digital Photo Editor Here you can make the necessary adjustments for the photos just like adjusting color, adjusting the focus and tone, apply some specific final results and even alter the image layout. Probably the most part of this photo editor is that you just can crop your image different shapes for instance heart, cross, star, flower, triangle and the conventional rectangular shape. Do not forget to flip the image vertically or horizontally in case you need this and apply the rotation which will make your scrapbook look realistic.

Step 6 Save your scrapbook. Some people adore to spend several hours per day organizing all loved ones photos in a new and original way. Scrap booking helps individuals save a lot more memories about any event.

Think on the time when you have glued the concert tickets and also the train tickets on the same write-up with the photos taken that day. This will assist you to remember much more about that event, but within the same time will give far more hints to any person who sees the picture. Men and women adore to talk about pleasant memories and events from their life. Sometimes they use one or more photo album to show anybody what they saw and lived in that period. When they open a scrapbook the listener is also captivated by the story and ask several related questions. Elder persons adore to respond to many question. Some events make them speak for hours. Once the 1 who requirements to listen the stories sees the pictures on the scrapbook is also far more assertive.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Photo Booth Hire Provides A Pleasurable Way To Capture Your Special Memories

By Graham Mole

When you are hosting a special occasion there is one way that can capture the event for all time. This is by taking photographs. Getting a photographer is the usual way, but it its boring. There is a much better way. Photo booth hire gives the guests a very enjoyable way to create their own memories.

For many years at fairs and carnivals the booths have been very popular with everyone. Now with the availability to hire a photo booth you are able to obtain this facility for any event you like. Have one set up at weddings, birthday parties, reunions of any type and fancy dress events.

When you rent one of these booths, you will have to pay for the time it is used, which is usually two to three hours. There is usually no charge for the setup of the equipment. This will normally be incorporated into the initial cost. There will not be any limit to the number of pictures that you or your guests take.

If you are interested in leasing one of these booths, you can search the internet. There are many sites available. You need to know what type of picture you are looking for. Examples are digital or traditional formats, with the digital being available on CD so that it can be loaded onto your computer for future use.

After deciding on your choice, you have to fill an online form giving them the details of the event and your preferences. The site should normally have all the information you are looking for. The firm will get in touch with you within a reasonable time.

You will be very satisfied that you opted for photo booth hire when the event is over. Your guests will be excited and the CD created may be view after the event whenever you want to relive the memories. This is an outstanding feature to have at any major event.

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Create Extraordinary Memories When You Hire A Photo Booth

By Marcus Hall

If you want to make sure that your party or event generates buzz, then it's time to hire a photo booth. It really gets people animated as they line up for pictures. As a result, your reputation as a wonderful host will hit new heights.

It's no wonder that increasing numbers of folks are itching to hire photo booth for their upcoming events. The purchase price is probably too hefty in most cases. However, a vast majority can afford the cost of rental fees for a few hours of alluring entertainment.

Looking at photographs is a popular pastime. However, lots of people are reluctant to have the camera focused on them. Their fears seem to vanish when it's being done in a party atmosphere among friends.

Another bonus to all this is that you can make the pictures available afterward to your guests without incurring a lot of expense. One option is to send people a CD showcasing the event. You could also post the digital images to a sharing site on the Internet for a very reasonable price. This would enable folks to download and print the images they treasure most.

It's no wonder that photo booths are becoming star attractions at important events. These range from weddings to family reunions to key birthday celebrations. The taking of the photographs not only captures important moments, it also creates them by making things so entertaining.

Even businesses and schools are getting in on the act. Using these booths can be an important part of team-building exercises during company retreats, because of the way they bring people together and encourage them to let loose. It also provides a perfect way for graduates to share their excitement and then have an enduring memento of their important day.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Disney Motion Pictures - Ageless Classics For Young and Old

By Eric James

Share Your Childbhood Memories With Your Child - Get Started On A Walt Disney Dvd Collection

I couldn't imagine my childhood without Disney Movies. Disney hasn't stopped producing great movies and there are now many more to choose from.

Each tale is unique and you are certain to find a favorite or two among the many films that have been created over the years. Disney movies offer something for everyone no matter what your age. I still get a kick out of seeing the older movies. The artwork is nothing short of amazing. With advances in technology the newer movies are even more beautiful and captivating.

You feel like you are watching not just a movie but a beautiful painting in motion. I don't want to say that I'm old but I've seen quite a few movies since viewing Snow White at the theatre when it first came out. While I will always love the genuine beauty of the classic cartoon drawings, there is something truly astonishing about the computer generated images found in today's Walt Disney productions.

Children don't care how the movies were created, they just love them anyway. With engaging story lines and original plot lines children of all ages will find something to enjoy in every Disney movie.

With the ability to purchase my old time favorites on DVD I can give my kids the same experiences that I had when I was a child. Indeed, my children watch these movies over and over again. Creating your own collection of Walt Disney films may take a little time and effort but it is worth everything that you put into it. I love that I have many of the classics available any time at all.

Being able to have the collection in your own home is great news for kid. What better way to watch a Disney movie than in the comfort of your own home. Most of these films are not seen on television and are rarely re-released in the cinemas but wtih DVD's you can share your child hood wonder with your kids.

While I do love the amazing new Disney movies, I still get a thrill when my kids want to watch one of the older classics. Every child should watch the classic Disney movies. It's good, clean, wholesome entertainment.

Jodie boasts a substantial collection of Walt disney dvds and hoped to share her passion. She also writes about her other interests on her other internet websites. For many other examples of her appreciation for princesses look at her webpage Disney Princess Playtent

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Digital Photo Tips And Tricks To Get Started

By Jack Hadrian

You don't want to come home from your vacation only to find that the dozens of photos you snapped during your trip are marred by red eye, glare or a lack of imagination. Fortunately, there are several travel photography tips you can follow to make sure that you return from your trip with praiseworthy vacation photos.

Most vacations offer plenty of stunning scenes to shoot. The first tip in capturing these images is to follow the rule of thirds. This rule basically states that you shouldn't place the subjects of your photos directly in the middle of the frame. By placing them off-center, you create a more visually appealing photo.

Photographers should follow this rule when shooting landscapes, too. There aren't any people to place off-center, but there is the horizon line to worry about. Make sure to place the horizon either closer to the top or the bottom of your photo. This prevents you from simply visually cutting your photo in two.

It's also key to take your travel photos from several different angles. It's easy to take a head-on shot. But the results can be boring. Try instead to shoot while on your knees or lying on your stomach. You might capture a unique image by using this technique.

When shooting, never forget about the position of the sun. Don't line people up so that they end up looking directly into the sun. They'll squint. And that doesn't look good in a photo. Be sure to avoid placing your subjects directly in front of a light source, either. Doing this will leave you with a photo of a silhouette. You might not even recognize your subject when you look at the photo later.

Where should your subjects stand, then? Place them so that sunlight or any other light source falls on their side. Not only will this prevent both silhouettes and squinting, it will create a series of visually interesting shadows.

Today's digital cameras come with plenty of technology. Take advantage of it. This means using your camera's scene mode. This mode automatically sets your camera's settings depending on the time of day you are shooting, the amount of sunlight available and the type of shot - landscape or portrait - you are taking. The scene mode can help you snap some incredibly professional shots.

By following just a few travel photography tips, you can be sure that you'll bring home a photo album's worth of stunning shots of friends, family members, ocean views or mountain scenery. It just takes some practice with your camera, a few new shooting techniques and a willingness to use all the tech tools that come with your photography equipment.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

3 Habits of Successful Photographers. Part Two

By Matt Brading

This is the second installment of our look at the three most important habits I see in the most successful, professional photographers who pass through the GlobalEye Photo Agency each month. We covered Lighting and Patience in the first installment -- if you missed that, you can check our sell stock photos blog -- otherwise we'll dive back in and look at technique.

For all the ease of automatic-everything cameras, I often wish they were somehow available only after the photographers had passed a manual photography course. Unfortunately, it's so easy and so handy, that most photographers who start out on automatic never go back and learn the way to control those settings themselves.

And that means there are a large number of photographers out there capturing photos that are nearly great ... But because they have absolutely no theory and only very basic technical skills, they will never know what's holding them back and more significantly, how easy it could be to correct the issues and make great images.

I see this each week with the membership application submissions. Images that could have been stunning if the photographer had only turned off the center weighted auto focus and gave more attention to their subject. Shots that could have been stunning if they'd turned off the preset exposure mode, and thought about their depth-of-field. Shots that would have been stunning if only they'd thought about the effects of shutter speed ...

The other disappointment is those photographers who do not even bother to read the manual that came with their camera so they would make use of the features available to them. Here are just a few problems .. And the photographer's explanations ... That I've seen just lately ...

1. Great submission of photographs, but they all had a serious colour cast that even I (seriously color-blind) could spot.

"Yes, I saw something about setting white balance, but figured the factory settings would have it covered..."

2. Superb subjects & compositions, but too grainy to ever use ...

"That's probably because I keep the ISO set to 1600 so I haven't got to worry about flash using up my batteries ... "

3. Amazing submission ... Technically spot on & material perfectly suited for stock, except they were shot as medium jpgs ...

"I didn't want to run out of space on my memory stick ... "

The last one might sound totally ludicrous but is a familiar story around here ... The photographer had a $2000 camera and was shooting tons of excellent images each week with real stock potential, if he'd only splurged another $50 on two additional memory devices. (The average point-and- shoot nowadays captures a better quality file than the one this bloke was saving!)

So one last idea here is, if your whole photographic experience is digital-auto, each chance you can, switch off the auto-everything and learn to do it yourself.

Even better, call into the local 2nd hand shop and pick up an old manual film camera ... They're giving them away nowadays ... And put a few rolls of film through it. You will learn more from those 100 shots than a year with your digital auto-everything!

OK, that's just a few general ideas to get you started. Next time around I will cover a couple more specific elements we see in the top selling pictures and a simple trick to be certain you get them right each and every time.

For now, feel free to visit our website and post your own thoughts on what makes a photographer a professional!

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Buyng Stock Photography Online

By Matt Brading

Occasionally too much choice can be a bad thing and stock photography is an excellent example. For years plenty of the household-name stock photo libraries would promote themselves as being the largest and having the biggest collections. If you've been paying attention more recently though, you could have noticed that isn't such a unique selling proposition any more and plenty of the bigger libraries are now busy looking for alternative ways to differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

The truth is, many photography users find giant stock image collections time-intensive and tedious to search, in spite of the improvements in photo search engine technology. The issue is, the scale of these collections has increased at a greater rate than the search technology has improved ... So in many cases, photo research has essentially gotten slower and more difficult. It's no surprise then that more photography-researchers are opting for smaller 'niche' photo libraries, when they need to buy stock photos on the web.

These boutique stock libraries do not even try and compete on volume and most of the time they cannot compete on price either ... But more photo researchers are heading to these image stock sites regardless, with a completely new set of reasons-to-buy.

Private service, contact with the photographers, fresh original pictures, unique styles and subjects. OK, perhaps these are not totally new reasons after all , but they're reasons-to-buy that've been pushed to the back for far to long.

A lot of it comes back to how the photography user values their time, and what kind of price they put on finding the right photograph fast. The good news for photographers is, more are prepared to pay a bit more to avoid the tedium of a mass-distribution library and hone in on quality new pictures faster.

So the next time you need to buy stock pictures, take a pass on the big stock photography super-stores, and check out a few of the boutique collections instead ... You might be surprised.

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Should I Sell My Pictures As Stock Photography

By Brad Stephens

Thinking it time you started selling your photos as stock photography? Stock photography is big these days and everybody appears to be doing it, unfortunately though, most people are going about it the wrong way.

The very first thing you need to do is choose where you would like to end up ...

Do you need a full-time business? Do you dream of throwing in the real job and becoming a full-time photographer? Or do you desire some extra money from your pastime? Maybe you'd be happy to purchase a new lens every year from your profits?

If you want the first option, you are looking at joining a very competitive industry and that is going to take major time, effort and you're going to have to invest real money to make it happen.

For stock photography you want to consider all aspects of your photography the standard of your work, the commercial potential of the subjects you shoot, how many photos you have on file and how often you add to them. Quality, Content & Volume to achieve success in stock photography you need to have each of those aspects well and truly covered.

If you feel you could have work to do in any of those areas, I'd recommend you take some time to work on them first. Take a short course to fine-tune your technique, buy some stock photography books to find more saleable subjects, and then shoot like mad to build up your catalog.

Stock is competitive and sure to suck the joy right out of your photography if you try to start selling your photos before you're prepared.

If you're not out for a major life-change though, you have a few more options.

Plenty of amateur photographers place their images with the cheap royalty free libraries and hope to make a bit of extra change every year but I really believe this is about the worst of your options.

Some of these stock photo sites are selling images for a dollar or less each, royalty free, so the photographers gets a few pennies for the sale, and the purchaser gets free usage of the image, for evermore. This doesn't worry a lot of newbies, but it has a big effect on the industry. If that does not concern you, it probably should.

If circumstances change and you decide one day to sell your pictures seriously, each $1 sale you make is going to make it that much tougher for you to make a living. And to rub salt into the wound, you won't be able to sell and of those pictures to top-end buyers, because you'll have no idea where they've been printed before or where they'd turn up next.

Sometimes you will find a better option for the hobbyist is to use your imagesimages as content instead of product, and publish them on your own simple photography sites promoting affiliate products. For most photographers this will lead directly to better returns without giving your images away for peanuts, and if you one day opt to get serious about selling your photos, they're still totally yours to sell.

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A Simpler Way To Sell Stock Photography

By Matt Brading

Anyone who's been battling to sell photos online for any period of time will know that photographers have been getting a pretty poor deal recently. High competition has meant that most photographers are getting significantly less sales than in years gone by and those sales they do pick up are typically at much lower prices.

To add to the injury, with digital submissions the photographers are typically doing more of the work that the stock agencies used to do. Where before they used to just post off a submission a number of times each year and leave it to the library to do the rest, now they end up formatting & cleaning picture files, adding captions and keywords, plus all of the other photography business mangement chores ...

And the big stock libraries are still taking their hefty commissions out of any stock image sales, although online catalogs and eCommerce checkouts mean their participation is virtually hands-free.

It's no great surprise that plenty of independent photographers are asking what they are really splitting their sales for?

Well a new breed of stock photography library has appeared that deals with these problems and tries to put the photographers back in the drivers seat. They're the direct contact stock photo libraries and more and more photographers and photo buyers see them as the way of the future.

Most operate as photography marketing co-ops, where their photographers work together to promote their work and generate sales while sharing their costs and expenses. The library provides the marketing platform and the photographers take responsibility for their own sales. The photographer is liberated from limiting contracts, agency deductions and they're free to set their own pricing and license conditions.

An added bonus for the photographers is that, for the first time ever, stock photographers can build their own buyer list -- buyers known to use the subjects they shoot -- and they can sell stock photos to them on their terms and their schedule. Instead of waiting around for new photo clients to find them or hoping their existing clients might come back for more, they can take new stock photography and concepts directly to the photo buyers, effectively creating online photo sales on demand.

In the current day's super-competitive stock photography industry many believe this is the only possible way for photographers to grab control and build a viable and sustainable business selling photos online.

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5 Things Every Photographer Should Be Doing On The Internet

By Matt Brading

Often it seems the Web was made solely for photographers. On a social level it lets us share photographs with friends and families, we will get together and talk camera gear and photographic technique, and it helps a lot of us overcome the isolation that commonly goes side by side with a photography career.

On a professional level, it provides the means to showcase our work to Clients, access new markets and conduct the whole stock photography sales process without leaving our desk. It also offers the resources to monitor trends, see what our peers are doing and see what our customers are purchasing.

And for all that, the sad fact is, for many photographers, the pure volume of info and options becomes more of an obstruction than a helping hand. They only have so many hours in a day, and deciding what's worth their attention and what isn't becomes a bore, and as a result they tend to brush over the significant stuff and get way-laid with the trivial.

Well if you ever find yourself in that case, here is a bare-bones list of the 5 essential website types every independent photographer should have bookmarked and will be using constantly.

1. Stock Photo Library

Few serious photographers wouldn't have a stock photo agency catalogue of some type, but lots of photographers still leave it as something to do later when they're better established, or have more photos. Nowadays that is not obligatory and the best way tosell images online is to begin early and add to your stock catalogue regularly over a period of time.

Stock photography is a long term business though, so do take some time and find a photo stock library that is a good fit for your work and your style. Confirm it leaves you in charge of your work and does not need you to give up your rights, or give your work away, solely to access their services.

2. Photo Price Calculator

To this end, ensure you bookmark a good online stock photo price calculator. We all used to manage this with hard-copy books, but things move fast these days and new types of photo-uses emerge every week, so a live stock photo price calculator is essential.. Be warned though, most people are blown away when they first use these... Simply because most photographers seriously under-value their work.

If you have never looked at a Stock Photo Price Calculator before, I'd suggest that you write down a list of 5-10 of your most important markets, and then list a couple of 'average ' usages for each. Then open the calculator and work out a price for each usage. Keep it convenient and you have a ready-reference guide if a Customer ever puts you on the spot, but equally importantly, you will get a whole new insight to the value of your photography.

3. Photography Business News & Info

If you are eager -- and you don't mind sitting at a P. C. all day -- you can subscribe to dozens of different newsletters and blogs to try to start recent with goings on in the photography industry. Or you can find a single Photography/Business site that does it all for you.

There are a few really good websites out there if you go looking. My suggestion is to look them over and follow a couple until you find one that does the job right for you, your field of work, your interests, your location and so on. The best sites will give you all the crucial information in summary then include links for more information if you want it, so you can stay current and get all the info you require without the info overload.

4. Shopping & Auction Sites

It's no secret, photographers are gadget-junkies! We're always searching for that next piece of must-have camera equipment that we simply can't function properly without. The incontrovertible fact we have already worked quite alright for years without it doesn't matter... Once we know it's out there we have to have it. Sound familiar?

The flip side is, quite frequently we have got equally as much gear we should actually get rid of... And once again, if the Net was made for us then I am sure the creators of eBay are either photographers themselves, or they've a few in the family. So bookmark it and use it. If you've a cupboard of old camera gear that's not been utilized in years get it out and sell it, while it still has some value!

5. Online Photography Community

Pro photography is generally a solo career so the facility to have interaction with your peers online should not be taken lightly. We all see dozens of pictures on any given day, but to be in a position to look at new photographs and discuss them with other photographers is priceless. Pre-Internet, it was something that only happened at Camera Clubs or waiting around at the Pro-Lab, but the internet forums and portal sites now give working photographers to capability to engage with their peers, share ideas and info and truly grow as artists. And if you're not making excellent use of them, you're quite possibly stagnating!

Well that is my top 5 must-bookmark website types. The web offers us the chance to 'round-out ' our photography businesses in ways in which we never could before, so make sure you are getting maximum value from the time you spend online... And remember all work and no play, leads to a boring photographer!

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The simple way to Publicize Your Pro Photography Business Online Part 2 of 3 PPC

By Clwyd Probert

We saw in the 1st article that there are several strategies to generate clients on the web. These are:

- Common listing in the search engines such as Google
- PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising
- Paid advertisements in online websites and directories

In this article we will look at the second of these strategies.

PPC Pay Per Click

This is the way Google makes its cash! You find a target word that you want to rank for and you place an attempt to see if you can 'win ' the privilege to have your ad placed on a Google page. Depending on how competitive the term is, could pay anything from one or two pence to several pounds. The advertisements will appear on the right hand side of the search results for the Google screen. It is vital to recollect that if somebody clicks on your advert then you have to pay Google, even if you don't get a sale from the click!

While it is simple to setup and start a PPC campaign, it is worth doing some Internet research first to make sure that your cash is spent well. By choosing a less competitive terms, you can get more clicks for less investment "more 'bang for your buck ' and don't forget to set affordable daily spend or else you will go broke quickly.

The important thing to remember with PPC work is to test your adverts. It is actually possible to run different advertisements based mostly on different wording and also to modify the landing page where the clicks first go to. By modifying just a few elements of this 'landing page ' you can increase the conversion rate for your campaigns. Here are a few key points:

- Keep the page free from other diversions and debris
- Remove any navigation links that allow the visitor to move away from the page
- Prove a clear 'call to action ' ie tell them obviously what they need to do
- Explain what will happen when they follow this action
- Use Google analysis to follow your different campaigns and modify them based on the results which you get back.

Conclusion: Good way for wedding photographers to quickly create business. Pricey and will be used meticulously. Time expended planning your campaigns and analysing the results will increase your returns seriously.

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The simplest way to Create Customer Contracts That Defend Your Business

By Clwyd Probert

From the point of view of most wedding photographers the contract that they sign with the bride and groom is essential. It defines the terms on which they're undertaking a job and it sets boundaries in regards to what is needed from them from the couple and also what's reasonable and what is not.

Some photographers will try work without a signed contract. When they do this they are taking a risk and they should understand the level of risk. If the event is a wedding then it's not something that can be repeated if mistakes are made. The chance is that the cameraman can be brought to court if the client thinks that he has not performed the work in the correct way.

Some things that a contract should define:

- How many hours are to be worked
- What is the date and start time of the event
- What are the deliverables from the shutter-bug
- What's expected from the customer
- What are the payment terms
- Is a substitute shutter-bug permitted
- What happens if the client fails to meet the payment terms
- What will occur if inclement weather or other unforeseen events forestall some photos being taken.
- Under what conditions is the client, or the photographer permitted to cancel a contract and what penalties are concerned if this occurs.

The contract should be signed and dated by both parties, the original ought really to be kept by the shutter-bug and a duplicate kept by the couple. By setting everything out obviously in this way, many disputes can be evaded. If disputes do arise and action is brought to court, then the contract should ideally supply a clear framework for the court to choose a course of action.

Always consult a professional counsel when making a contract or copy one from an existing professional cameraman that you know and respect and have a solicitor review it for any issues before using it in your business.

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The right way to Advertise Your Professional Photography Business Online Part 1 of 3

By Clwyd Probert

There are a few methods to generate clients on the internet. The 3 most popular techniques are:

- Universal listing in the search sites like Google
- PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising
- Paid adverts in online websites and directories

The strategy you choose will depend upon a number of factors and each method may be applicable for different photographers at various times in their business cycle. Let's take a look at each methodology in turn and analyse its strengths and weaknesses. In this article we'll look at the first of these techniques.

Universal Listing In The Search Sites

In principle, this is the most convenient method and the one which each cameraman wants. Everyone wants to be number one in Google for the search term 'wedding photography'. However with about 95 million (95,000,000) internet pages being returned for this key term, it is not reasonable for most photographers to try to achieve that goal. However by carful use of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) methodologies either thru work on their lonesome or by hiring a consultant SEO specialist, it's possible to aim towards less competitive terms which would be focused on a neighborhood like 'wedding photography Kent ' and generate traffic this way.

It is critical to follow some basic rules before starting on a SEO campaign. Remember the 3 things that must definitely be in place before you consider promoting a selected search phrase for your website:

- The term must be important for your business. There isn't any point in being number one on Google if the folks that come to your internet site are not particularly interested in what you do
- The term must build traffic. Use the Google keyword tool to estimate the quantity of visitors you may get if you do well for the term Remember that the 1 spot takes a high share of all traffic.
- The term should have low competition. If you try to take on a powerful existing rival, then it may take you a long time to achieve results, if ever.

The downside is that the effort required to do the market analysis, change the internet site and promote it takes both cash and time and the results aren't quick. A common SEO campaign will take 3 to 6 months to begin to generate results.

Conclusion: A good methodology for the long term. Research the field and hire a SEO expert to help. The time and money invested will pay off.

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How it Is possible to get the Most from Your Bride Interviews Guidance for All Photographers

By Clwyd Probert

Customer meetings are so vital for your business and your reputation that a large amount of thought and care needs to be put into them. Many a wedding photographer will feel that showing an easy album of their work is good enough to close a deal. This isn't true, the arena of professional photography is extremely competitive and everything that you do toward enlarging the amount of clients that sign up is crucial.

First you have got to decide where you are going to meet your client. Generally there are 3 choices:

- At your work (or home) address
- At the clients home
- At a neutral location suitable to both of you.

Which you choose will depend upon where you reside and the type of business you run. If you've a studio in a city centre then everybody will come to you. However if you are found out in the country then you may have to go to your customer or meet at a local coffee bar.

If you've got to meet away from home, try to find a location which is quiet, so you can be heard with no interruption and that looks like a quality locale. Find a period of the day when the place is at it's least busy "it is worth phoning the locale previously to check on their quiet times.

If you've got to go to go to the client, try to make sure you take everything you need to sign the deal, including detailed price lists and contracts. If you guarantee to put something in the post, then there is always the possibility that they may change their mind.

When you organize the meeting, try to make certain that all of the decision makers are present. This is frequently family of the bride or groom who might be stumping up for the event.

If the client comes to your house, ensure it is clean, clean and smells fresh. There's little worse than working into somebody's house and feeling that you want to walk right back out again.

If possible run a display on a giant projector or big high definition display. Size does matter and folk will be impressed by the scale of the photographs which they're used to viewing on a little PC screen.

Put lots of work into your display albums "ensure that they are really provoking and show off the specific features you are attempting to emphasise.

Always talk in positive terms about the things which you'll be doing for them. Talk as if you are their chosen shutter-bug. Before they leave "ask for the business "never let them go with a straightforward many thanks. They could have made their call and are willing to sign now "explain that dates are going swiftly and you would love to cover their marriage.

In summation, treat folk with respect and kindness and treat them in the same way you would like to be treated by a 5 start hotel. Remember, you're selling a 5 star service.

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The easy way to Build Professional Photography Website That Generates Business

By Clwyd Probert

Many photographers make the same mistake as other smaller businesses when it comes to the development of their internet site. They assume that if it is good, then that'll be enough to build traffic and bring in clients. They hire a 'wonderful ' internet site designer who creates a stunning site to showcase their pictures. The internet site is often filled with high res pictures or flash based slideshows, loaded in multi-media effects and they're frequently awfully dissatisfied.

Today there are many millions of websites focused on wedding photography, typing "wedding photography" into Google returns over 80 million webpages. Why would you new site be put above all these? The great news is that it is viable to rise up the Google rankings and generate business from the web, it just needs a bit more effort and thought.

There are 6 stages to success and they are:

1. Market Research
2. Internet site Construction
3. On-Page Optimizatoin
4. Writing Content
5. Building Back links
6. Tracking Results

To get clients to your website you have got to find the keywords that you possible customers are using to search in Google. These keywords have to have 1 or 2 traits; they must be:

i) Business applicable

ii) Generate Heavy Traffic

iii) Low in Competition

So although you might think that the best keyword for a wedding photographer to target would be "wedding photography", if we apply the above rules we will see that there's way too much competition to achieve success here and it may take years (if at all) before you're able to rank well for this term. Better to get a easier keyword which is still relevant but has a smaller market. If the photographer works in the south of the UK then the term "Wedding Photographer Surrey" may be a great deal easier.

The internet site can then be designed with this under consideration and other articles will go into the details in more depth. Once the site is built it'll need content in the form of articles and pictures all applicable to the chosen keyword. When this is done the site needs to be promoted using off-site systems to build links from other sites (Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook) which should increase it's visibility to Google.

Analytic software such as Google Analysis should be installed from the first day to trace the progress and permit the method to be modified based mostly on results. The entire process may take many months to generate results, but the ultimate result is actually worth the effort.

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How To Make A Huge Impact With A Small Card "Business Cards For Photographers

By Clwyd Probert

When starting out with any small business, one of the first things that you will need are business cards. They're the way that you can spread the word to buddies and family that you have started a new undertaking and they present all your new contact data. Many new entrepreneurs make the mistake of going to the local print shop and getting them to design business cards using one of their standard templates. This is a very bad idea.

Local produced cards will look just like everyone else's. They will have not identity and generally the standard of the paper and printing is average at best. As wedding photographers or as any other type of snapper, your image and how you present yourself is very important.

There are two rules you need to follow to make certain you do not mess things up:

- Select the highest quality paper available. This is something you will give out to a possible client, you need to convey the impression of your high standards.
- Select an iconic image. Here is your opportunity to show off your style and have someone carry it around with them, choose an image that really represents you and the message you are trying to get across. Never choose a standard image or logo from a variety of other users designs.
- Make your contact details clear and easily read. Preferably black text on a white background. Include e-mail, mobile telephone and your web address.
- Keep the front page design easy "ideally only 1 image covering the whole card.

Tip: In England there is a great web business card company called (yes actually) "they produce great cards which are perfect for photographers as you can have a different image on each card. Ie you can order a box of 50 cards with a different image on each card, so you get to carry about your entire portfolio.

In summary, go for the best quality and ensure your photos stand out.

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Marketing Literature for Wedding Photographers What Do You Need

By Clwyd Probert

When any new wedding photography business owner starts out there is generally a massive amount of enthusiasm and this can end up in some nonessential purchases early on. One of those is letterheads and marketing literature. It used to be the situation that you needed glossy brochures, flyers, printed stationary, costly business cards, portfolio carriers and large number of other leaflets such as price lists, booking forms, contracts for example.

If you were to stroll into your local printer they might gladly sell you all this. They might also charge you for planning trademarks, letterheads and leaflets. It is straightforward to spend thousands of pounds on this as you feel you have got to compete with the other big players in the market.

Luckily , in the world of the worldwide net, online marketing and with international access to afordable worldwide designers, all of this can be done from your own machine.

So there isn't any necessity to go to the local print shop for anything. Buy high quality paper online and check all your printed material is produced on the same top quality paper. Confirm envelopes match the quality and style of the paper.

Cash saving tip: If you have got a home printer (you are a snapper, right?). Then invest in an alternative, continual ink system. As an alternative to using the inks offered by the manufacturer you can use a big ink reservoir of nearly identical ink. Do not buy the replacement cartridges "they really are cheap and unpleasant "go for a top of the range replacement system. It may cost you a couple of hundred pounds, nevertheless it will save you thousands.

Producing logos, brochures flyers etc is straightforward. There and now numerous online sites where independent designers hang out "they make their living producing top of the range designs and they're very inexpensive "you see their other work and how they've been ranked by their customers. Three great sites are:, and

Once you have your designs, you can do all your printing from home, just when you want it "not need to purchase thousands of pages of letter-headed paper 'just in case'.

Lastly business cards: In the UK there is a great internet business card company called (yes actually) "they produce stunning cards which are idea for photographers as you can have a different image on each card "highly recommended".

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How to Promote your Pro Photography Business With DVDs and Slideshows

By Clwyd Probert

DVD and videos are a great marketing resource for any wedding photographer and are heavily under-utilized. Done well they can reinforce and push your brand and contribute to your SEO traffic. It's critical to understand that the making of a DVD slideshow is straightforward and there are a considerable number of different systems available to do this. Once it's been created, it is critical to distribute it in as many different forms and as widely as practical. Let's look at some of the options:

How to Create A Slide Show

There are a number of systems available from different suppliers. For one or two years the market leader was a system called ProShow Gold (for the PC). Mac users have always had wonderful DVD creation tools like Final Cut. However in the last couple of years there's a new (web hosted) DVD system called Animoto. It does not provide all the power and flexibleness of the other systems but this is why it is so good for the bulk of photographers "it's so convenient to use and produces excellent results. Upload your photographs, choose your music and 'BAM ' you've got a stunning slideshow.

Slideshows can be put on your site as marketing demonstrations of your work, they can be burned to DVD and sent out to clients to play on home systems or they can be uploaded to YouTube or other video hosting sites for everybody to see.

Remember, if you upload a video to any site that's not your own, always include an outline of your services and a link pointing back to your site.

Second thing to bear in mind. Always include your company name, webs address, telephone and email address in the slideshow itself "so even if it gets copied and re-used, you info is always visible.

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Photography - Coloring Your Life And Beautifying Walls

By Cheryl Eagers

We all feel enthralled when we stumble upon a lovely flower or when we look at a baby smiling; we marvel and crave to arrest that moment and save it in our minds eternally. But our brains are not cut out to do so. Not only this, we feel like reliving any extraordinary moment that is worth remembering, but sadly, we will not be able to turn time around. This is when technology comes to our assistance and offers us an incredible opportunity to capture and seize those special things and special moments of our life, frame it and revive it whenever we see it with the help of photography.

Quoting John Keats, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" and it is well worth to treasure beautiful things and special moments of our life and simply nothing is better than photography in helping us do so.

It has been scientifically proved that looking at exquisite things can lessen stress and melancholy making us feel ecstatic from the insides. Landscape photography and photographs of beautiful flowers swiftly transport us from the place we are to a world of amazement and awe. Just looking at a Landscape photograph can make us feel like we are somewhere amidst the lush greenery or that peaceful lake or a gorging cascade that is often portrayed in them.

Photographs of the advanced digital art and landscapes also are great resources of interior decoration. The aesthetic sense with which you have adorned the living room or any other place in your dwelling speaks a great deal regarding you and your tastes. Hanging a photograph that is magnificent is way better than leaving the walls vacant. You can put up pictures that match well with the paint on the walls.

Hanging a photograph that is magnificent is way better than leaving the walls vacant. You can put up pictures that match well with the paint on the walls. If you are all set to go an extra mile and make an attempt to come up with a theme for each and every place that you would want to put up the photos, your pains would really be worth it.

Photography can lift the spirits of a forlorn soul and can bring about a smile on a frowning face. Photography can add color and happiness to your life. Imagine if you get up to look at a fresh flower that has just bloomed with a little drop of dew on its smooth petal, this feel of happiness can make your entire day happy and give out a feel of warmth to your entire house.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Get to know more about Camera Filters

By Harvin Gulfill

Camera filters are as important as the lens or the camera itself. Camera filters are transparent or translucent optical elements that whenever light passes or enters the lens, it modifies it, and that's why you get a seemingly new improved image. Filters can affect the image in a various of new by their contrast, sharpness, highlight flare, color, and light intensity, either individually, or in various combinations. They can also produce a range of "special effects." The Camera filter has a large and real effect on your image and the brand of lens or sharpness does not.There are a number of filters out there that can change the way your image looks like from an objective view. Here are a few camera filters that might be handy for you.

Camera filters can be found in any camera shop. They usually come in as plastic disks in round or oblong shape with rings around where you can mount them using accessory holders to the camera. However, using Camera filters has its downsides such as having low definition of images due to scrapes or scratches on the filter or increased exposure due to the decrease transmission of light.

ND (Neutral Density) Filter The ND filter works by reducing the color and light that passes through your lens in equal amounts resulting into a better selection of aperture and shutter speed. Disturbing moving objects are made to look less obvious or less evident.

UV filters This filter is used to trim down haziness created by ultraviolet light. A filter of this kind is especially handy when you're into photographing landscapes on a cloudy day or taking images from airplanes.

Colour Filters There a lot of variety of colour filters; these can be solid colours or graduated. If you like to take photos of sunsets, a red or orange filter can help by exaggerating the colours. You can use blue colour filters when you're taking a shot of the sea. So, practically, a colour filter can dramatically enhance the colours of your photos.

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Some Zing with Camera Flash

By Harvin Gulfill

Did you ever have that photo of you and your friends were all you can see were shiny faces and bright lights? You must not have used you camera flash the right way. Well, your camera flash works in a lot of ways to enhance your photo or either destroy it. It's up to you, to get a great shot using your camera flash. Here are some tips on using your flash the right way.

1. Bounce it. One way to produce good looking photo with the use of your flash is by not directly aiming the light at your subject but by bouncing it on a wall or ceiling. With this technique, you get t illuminate your subject without blowing up her face like a mug shot. When you bounce the light on a wall or ceiling, you get to have a wider, diffused light source for your subject.

2. Flag It. Most people think that the flash comes out like one straight beam like a strobe light. Well, actually, your camera flash produces a light that comes out into a wide pattern and thereby spilling some light. This would lead you to have portraits that have shadows all over the place. In order to control this light, you can try to flag it by placing a small piece of opaque material or black foam at the edge of your flash to block some of the light.

3. Use the Ambient Light. You can add some great detail to your photo just by simply using the ambient light. Get your light to match it with the light of your subject's surrounding so you could avoid having a dark tunnel effect. You can check your manual on how to set your flash to automatically adjust o the environment's light.

4. Turn it off. Sometimes, turning off your flash might be the best way to capture that image you want. Natural Light sometimes gives more meaning and depth to your subjects. But if you're still onto bringing some bright life, you can still use your camera flash to add some zing to your photos.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Leave Everything Behind Except Your Digital Camera Batteries

By Harvin Gulfill

As an avid fan of adventure, you try to take mementos of your own adventures as well. However, those rocks and sand don't seem to be a good enough proof of having had the adventure of a lifetime. Why not take a picture? It lasts longer apparently and moreover it tells a lot more stories than just a bunch of rocks. All of that won't be possible without a Camera Battery.

To avoid this embarrassing predicament you should know that Camera batteries and the camera itself work hand in hand, without the other one could not function. Camera batteries give power to the camera through storing electrical charges in its battery cells as chemical energy then when used converts it to electrical energy.

The first battery was built around the 1800s by an Alexander Volta which was called the voltaic pile in those days. Now there are 2 types of batteries, the primary battery which is disposable and can be used once until it runs out of juice, and the secondary or the rechargeable battery.

Camera batteries started as primary batteries which were too much of a hassle back then especially when you wanted to take that perfect shot and there are no hardware stores nearby to buy new batteries. Eventually, Camera manufacturers figured out the potential of rechargeable Camera batteries and their ease for use with travellers as long as an electric plug is available.

With today's technologies, a regular person could take just about the same quality pictures as that of professional photographer's by just reading the manufacturer's manual on how to use the various effects and styles already pre-programmed into the camera. It would be like a walk in the park. But also be sure to bring with you those extra Camera Batteries and the charger just in case you go into a frenzy of taking photos.

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The History Of Photographers

By Zsanee Gaines

To understand the history of the image and in particular, the photographic image, one has to consider the ancient civilizations.

Although Egyptian paintings as well as works of art are reported, the portrait just didn't turned out to be widely used right until the growth of the Roman Empire. It had become really quite cool to portray the subject matter of a Roman portrait in an unflattering manner and in figurine shape. Tastes changed in France while in the dark ages to the more present-day idealized lifelike expression from the particular individual.

Just the well-off and royals had the ability to obtain a portrait painted or sculpted on account of the high fee of having it completed. To satisfy the call for cheap portraiture saw the discovery of the daguerreotype through the middle of the 19th century that implemented a lot of physical and chemical developments of the period of time.

Development of the photographic film towards the end of the 19th century replaced photographic plates. Photography and the professional photographers were no longer confined to the studio. A great many advances in the technology led to the appearance of the modern 35mm and compact film cameras used today. The costs were further reduced to the point where cameras became disposable as early as the mid eighties. The inclusion of a variety of cameras in the basket of 650 goods used to calculate the Retail Price Index for almost two decades is testament to the popularity of photography. The 35mm camera was only recently removed in 2006 when it was replaced with the digital camera.

Retouching encompasses everything from modest enhancement to restoration and recovery of an otherwise objectionable or unusable image. The digital revolution has made the transition of getting an image from the camera lens to the computer screen a trivial exercise.

When you've gotten an useless photo, retouching will be able to repair and even get back the particular photo by using a modest improvement. The progress involving digital photography have caused it to be much simpler and quicker to relocate a photo out of your camera to your desktop computer.

Photoshopping is slang for the digital editing of photographs; the term originating from Adobe Photoshop, the image editor most commonly used by professionals for this purpose. The 1980s saw the advent of digital retouching. Before digital cameras became widely obtainable, the most common way of getting a print onto a computer was a scanner. Retouching software is varied in functionality and the cost of some of the less capable packages is inexpensive when compared to the price of a computer and camera equipment.

Becoming proficient in retouching however is not just a one off purchase. A great deal of patience and commitment to acquiring the necessary skills is required. Furthermore, an artistic flare is more often than not an advantage.

You could easily get retouching software for a somewhat modest fee when compared to expense of the computer and camera equipment, nevertheless, it does take an inventive vision in conjunction with patience and endurance to acquire the technique itself.

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Make Learning to Draw Easier

By P. A. Neely

Drawing is a skill. You just need to practice it, like any other skill. A little practice every day will quickly make your drawings as good as someone who has talent. If you are willing to try certain drawing exercises, your progress can be even faster.

Some people think they can't draw well because they weren't born with enough talent. We need to let go of this outdated and inaccurate idea. Drawing is a learned skill like anything else we do in life. Some people do have natural abilities, and do teach themselves these skills, but no one has ever starved to death because they weren't born a master chef. They put the rudiments of cooking together, followed some basic principles, and instructions and ended up with a nice dinner. Drawing is not a great deal different than this.

The best way to begin is to find a good sketchbook and bring it with you wherever you go. Whenever you have a bit of free time, you can just tug out the sketchbook and get some practice in. Sketching is terrific when you are learning to draw because there is no worry about making a perfect drawing the first time. Sketches can be messy-looking.

Changing the way you look at your subjects is also a good drawing trick. Try to view your drawing subject as if it was flat. Being able to see the image as if it was flat makes drawing it much easier. Once the image is flat you will have an easier time reproducing the shapes that its made of, and measuring different distances within it. Many students close one eye when they are trying to see things flat.

Also try drawing a single-line square around the edge of your drawing paper. This becomes a frame around your composition. Framing your drawing helps you simplify the composition. Having a frame around your drawing also makes measuring the distances between different parts of the image much easier. Professional artists have another technique for accurately measuring shapes and distances in a drawing. With your pencil held out at arm's length you can use the tip to measure distances within your composition. Then they count units of measurement for important parts of their drawing. This gives them a guideline that helps make all the shapes come together.

One of the most important parts of drawing is not judging yourself too harshly. Do not give up if your first try at drawing something does not work out. Remember Monet or Georgia O'Keefe or any of the famous artists who would draw or paint their subjects dozens if not hundreds of times. How often have you attempted to draw something a second time, much less a dozen times? If you can hunker down and find the patience, it can be extremely rewarding to see the next versions come out so much better.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Asian Model Trend

By Jennifer Collins

As an ever growing industry, the modeling world is always in search of new talent. Everyone has a potential to become a model, no matter who you are. As with any industry, modeling seems to go in trends. Whether it may be the kind of work available or for some other reason, there currently seems to be quite a demand for Asian models. Consequently, if you are Asian and you are interested in becoming a model, now might be the right time for you.

The hottest spot for models in Asia seems to be Singapore. Again, lots of things can determine why a place is hot or not, so talk to your agency or a working professional to get advice on which city is in "season" right now. If Singapore isn't an option for you, London, Paris and New York are always looking for new models, including Asian models. These are just a few of the noted fashion industry cities.

There is no difference in becoming an Asian model versus a non-Asian model. Regardless of your nationality, everyone who wants to break into the modeling world takes the same steps. Most important is to have the desire within yourself to want to be a model; no amount of training and no agency can teach you that. You should have determination and self-confidence as well. You need to know almost anyone can be a model. You need to also have thick skin, and know if you get turned down it's not personal; you just weren't what they were looking for at that time.

You will also need to have a nice portfolio, yet when just beginning, people won't expect you to have an elaborate one. Two photos will suffice, provided that you have a great head shot and a full body shot appropriately dressed. Determine your best features and showcase them in an appropriate and flattering way. How are you different than other models in the market? What makes you stand out? Do you have interesting eyes or great long legs? Showcase them in your photos!

From there, you will need to check out the various modeling agencies, and find out whether they work with Asian models and/or whether they are looking for new Asian models. This alone may set you apart from all other models. Don't lose hope and keep that fire inside you. Asian models are needed worldwide and you may be the newest sensation.

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