Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Give A Photo Pillow To Your Grandparents Today

By Troy Jones

How many generations of your family are alive? While common sense tells us that three is a magic number when it comes to generations, scientific research tells us there may be more than just three. And with more generations in your family tree, this means more chances for your older family members to interact with the newest additions to the family clan.

Remember this at all times - despite the noticeable uptick in the number of healthy American seniors these days, you should not be thinking that their good health will last for many, and we mean many more years to come. Many seniors find it very difficult to travel, and there are those who live in nursing homes. This could be a huge challenge, because naturally you want your grandparents to interact and bond with your children, or even your children's children. There is nothing better then actually being able to see, talk to, and hold your grandchildren, but there is something that comes in a close second.

Behold, the photo pillow - this is the perfect way a grandparent or great-grandparent can make an instant connection with their grandkids or great-grandkids. When an old-fashioned black and white or color photograph is converted into a pillow, the end product would be called a photo pillow. Most seniors spend their time resting, reading their favorite books or watching television, so a photo pillow could make these activities more relaxing. What can be better than offering a family connection and comfort all at once?

The easiest way to purchase a customized photo pillow is by finding an online photo pillow designer. You will need to make use of your research skills as you go through the works of different designers and compare in order to find the best designer to go with. Many of the companies or individuals who make photo pillows have a selection of different pillow styles and designs. Take the example of sofa-sized pillows and their larger, bed-sized equivalents - they make great gifts for any occasion and are easy to create. Size of pillow is really not an issue with grandparents, as it's always the thought that counts, but for those who wonder, sofa-size seems to be the way to go.

You can easily transport a photo pillow from one room to another, and they would fit in well in any room for that matter - this is probably their clearest advantage as gifts. A photo pillow is a great gift idea for grandparents, but it is not the only photo gift idea available. Many children and grandchildren prefer giving photo blankets, for instance, and sometimes they purchase both. Regardless of what photo items is purchased it is sure to be a hit with the grandparents them.

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