Sunday, March 27, 2011

Essence Of A Diffused Light In Wedding Photography

By Chunky Flik

As a wedding photographer, you do not need to be told how to accomplish tasks like taking the right pictures or getting light right. However, it is important that you perfect one skill to provide your clients with the very best finished product. That is to learn to diffuse light properly. You need to learn how to bounce a flash or to diffuse. Without this skill, you may struggle in some situations to get the right shot at the right time. The light changes throughout any circumstance of the wedding day. You need to stay in step with it.

The good news is that once you perfect the ability to diffuse light, you are less likely to have trouble getting the right shot. Consider the fact that many churches have a light level that is not conducive to photo taking. It is very low. Some churches do not allow you to use any type of flash photography, which can be limiting and that should be something you address with your couple ahead of time.

In situations where you are able to use a flash camera, you need to determine if you can bounce the flash. Consider the surroundings carefully. For example, if you bounce the flash off of a colored surface, it will add a touch of that color to the photos in a colored cast. In some situations, this is not appropriate. You may need to buy a flash diffuser to soften the light considerably.

Whenever you are unable to use the flash, you will need to have a fast lens that has wide apertures or (and in some cases and) you will need to increase the ISO. In these situations, it may be a good idea to use image stabilization if you have that ability.

As you can tell, it is important to scope out the surroundings in advance so that you know what type of equipment you need to have on hand. If you do not plan to do this, be prepared with your full arsenal of options. Keep in mind that you are not just planning for one space, either. You will need to scope out each of the sites that you will be shooting shots at. Wedding photography done right will mean understanding the importance of bouncing the flash and diffusion. Polish up on these skills so that you shine, and that your photos do not!

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