Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Green Screens: Make Anything you Like Come to Life in your Movie or Picture

By Evander Darren

If you want to be entertained, to get you away from your problems temporarily, to make you feel better and relaxed from a long day's work or pressure, you need to watch a movie. Today's movies have far better and more realistic graphics than before, this is with the help of high tech equipments. Be prepared to be transported to another world, see 9 foot tall beings with horns, or watch as World War II unfolds again. There is virtually nothing impossible in movie making. Most successful movies are able to capture the viewer's emotions and have them relate to their stories. The big question is, how are these movies made?

The procedure on making a movie, science fiction movies in particular, are as interesting as its story. From the old technologies used to today's 3D graphics, movie makers can create things, events or beings you would never thought you'd see, whatever imagination that can come up into a movie writer's mind is now possible. A green screen is a more popular name to a technique called Chroma key compositing which uses two images to make one image appear the way they want it to. How it works is that let's say we want to make a scene where Superman is flying, front image would be Superman and background would be an image of a city on a bird's eye view angle. This style is also commonly used on weather forecasting, front image would be the newscaster, and back image is the weather information or whatever graphics they want to show. However if you go to where they are making the news, it's really just a person standing in front of a green screen.

Green screen is also used in Photography and the method, technique and concept is the same. There are now lots of available software in the market that enhances images or replace backgrounds however the intricate process of the new technology sometimes gives you more trouble than convenience; basic materials are easy to use, find and are tested through time and green screen is a proven process that works. Getting these materials is easy, they are available everywhere. A good green screen is made of fabric that is not too reflective because of its tendency to create lighter "hotspots". Lighter, brighter green is better than dark green and choose a material that is crease-resistant.

Our online store is your stop for green screen products; we have the best top quality kinds and prices as low as it can be. The sizes and different packages will give you plenty of options. If you just started using them, we can also offer you a guide book on how to utilize green screen to its maximum potential.

Green screens are most preferred in the digital world because digital cameras retain more details on the green channel and require less light. Green screen is also perfect for outdoor filming because the blue sky might disrupt the image if blue screen is used. For all your filming needs, our store will give it to you all.

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